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 Sony Studio 2010 Pro

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
اسير الظلام
مدير الموقع
مدير الموقع
اسير الظلام

Sony Studio 2010 Pro Sb7an
ذكر عدد المساهمات : 2167
النقاط : 4240
السٌّمعَة : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/03/2009
العمل : اى حاجه دايس فيها
المزاج : على طول مهيس وادام مهيس يبقا اكيد كويس

Sony Studio 2010 Pro Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Sony Studio 2010 Pro   Sony Studio 2010 Pro Icon_minitimeالخميس 18 مارس 2010 - 11:24

Sony Studio 2010 Pro

Sony Studio 2010 Pro | 1.38 GB

Studio Pro 2010 is a collection of programs from the company Sony, with
it you can create and edit videos, music and photos, as well as burn to
CD, DVD or Blu-ray.

ACID Music Studio 7.0
program will give
you the ability to flexibly, reliably and professionally to create
music on your PC. ACID Music Studio allows you to professionally handle
any number (!) Samples to create their own compositions, both for Audio
CD, and for Internet and Flash. Supports more than 10 different audio
formats, import and export sounds. A huge number of special effects.
The best choice for mixing and processing of samples.

ACID Pro 7.0
audio editor to create your mixes and music. The program is ideal for
musicians who use his work Magnifier (loops). Supports many formats,
has 1000 pre-loops, 20 ready-made tracks and a lot of settings. With
this program you can create original tracks, remixes, audio in 5.1,
lining for video and much more. The program is ideal for processing
samples and loops in real time. Use an unlimited number of fragments
and the loopback MIDI-tracks as a basis for their own compositions.
VSTi Synth Software will create a beautiful sound tracks with the
effect of surround sound and add a number to the video. Tracks created
with ACID Pro can be stored in such popular formats as WAV, WMA, RM,
AVI or MP3.

CD Architect 5.2
Application CD Architect
provides the most accurate of all the currently existing tools for
burning CDs and creating master copies. All operations at work on the
project CD Architect implemented by a simple drag & drop the
desired item using the mouse. The program will help implement complex
transition effects between tracks and create high-quality DJ mixes.
can create any number of duplicates created by your usotreniyu, before
the final version of the song will be recorded on CD-ROM. Burn a CD
with "live" sound, audio inserts between tracks, adjust the volume
level and sound reinforcement and help sozdavayt hidden track!

Cinescore 1.0
product to create professional soundtracks and sound video. Cinescore
can automatically generate an unlimited number of music tracks on legal
topics, covering almost all musical genres and directions. You can
create audio track of a certain length, increase or decrease the tempo
of the music in line with what is happening on the screen. The database
program set to music freely distributed.

DVD Architect Pro 5.0
DVD Architect provides a rich set of creative design for DVD menus and
DVD-authoring. This is a program of professional level, which can
operate as a logical complement of Sony Vegas and as a standalone
application. The new version of DVD Architect Pro will work both in
standard definition (DVD recording drives), and in high definition
(read Blu-Ray discs), while retaining the possibility of using animated
buttons and menus, scene selection menus, subtitles, as well as the
ability to edit video and audio MPEG-2 and AVCHD formats. Undoubtedly,
this well-known competitor utility Sonic Scenarist, and at the same
time with an easy and understandable interface, inherent in the entire
line of products from Sonic Foundry / Sony. Application has its own
codecs for MPEG and AC3 and can be used as a source, a variety of media

Photo Go 1.0
Picture Manager, through which you can
view digital photos, edit them, print, organize the collection. Can
import pictures from digital cameras, CDs, look for them on the
computer catalog with the ability to assign ratings and keywords for
faster retrieval. It has tools for editing photographs to prepare them
for printing or laid out in the network. You can adjust the brightness,
contrast, color saturation, rotate and crop images, get rid of red-eye,
converting to black and white image. You can also create slideshows of
photos and much more.

Sony Vegas 9.0 PRO
professional program
for multitrack recording, editing and assembling video and audio
streams. Tools contained in the program, allow editing and processing
in real-time formats, DV, AVCHD, HDV, SD / HD-SDI and XDCAM, precise
adjustment of audio, the creation of surround sound and dual-layer DVD.
You can burn Blu-ray discs directly from timeline to preserve records
in high quality. Creating a standard DVD with a complex video,
subtitles, multilingual menu, and adding comments will have no

Sound Forge Pro10.0a
new version of the powerful
audio editor, which includes a set of different tools designed to work
with sound. With this program you will be able to effectively handle
audio files, edit samples, record sounds, many effects on the cast
recording, encode audio data, convert audio files from one format to
another, and much more. Typically, the program uses sound producers and
producers on the set of recording studios, but with thought-out
interface, the program can easily be used by ordinary users. In the
tenth version you can edit the audio, based on events, record CD-ROM
drive Disc-at-Once, there were new DirectX-plug-ins, as well as other
innovations and improvements.

Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0
program for video and audio editing, plus using it can also impose
special effects. Built on the core Vegas'a program for amateur
real-time SD, DV, and HDV NLE formerly known as ScreenBlast
MovieStudio. In principle, it is the same Vegas, but only with the
truncated potential. Powerful, simple and convenient in the video
editor. Just connect your camcorder or digital camera to your computer,
and you can make from the footage to make professional clips or entire
films to add to them a variety of effects, transitions, making digital
signatures, cast musical arrangement, to create unique impressive slide
shows and much more.
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Sony Studio 2010 Pro
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
كل العآلم لهم وطنٌ يعيشون فيه إلا نحن .. لنا وطنٌ يعيش فينا :: ¨°o.O (قلعة التصميم والاحتراف (فئة الهوايات و الفنون) ) O.o°¨ :: التصميم والجرافيكس - Design and graphics :: التصوير والإخراج :: الهندسة الصوتية-
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