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كل العآلم لهم وطنٌ يعيشون فيه إلا نحن .. لنا وطنٌ يعيش فينا

The Empire Where The Sun Never Sets As you Like
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 Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
اسير الظلام
مدير الموقع
مدير الموقع
اسير الظلام

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable) Sb7an
ذكر عدد المساهمات : 2167
النقاط : 4240
السٌّمعَة : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/03/2009
العمل : اى حاجه دايس فيها
المزاج : على طول مهيس وادام مهيس يبقا اكيد كويس

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable)   Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable) Icon_minitimeالخميس 18 مارس 2010 - 11:21

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable)

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable) | 34.08 MB

3D Flash Gallery is an easy to use yet powerful flash gallery making
software that displays your digital photos in an interactive and
elegant 3D photo gallery. With this program, you can create a 3D flash
gallery on MySpace, Blogger and your personal websites and share it
with others easy and fast. You won t need any flash programming skills
to start making your first 3D photo gallery.[/center]
Three easy steps to create a 3D flash gallery
by importing your photos, choosing from variety of pre made 3D flash
gallery templates, adding background music and publish.

Decorate photos
Photo editing (rotate, crop, add texts, add special effects, etc).
Add caption and link to the photos.
Click and drag photo thumbnail and drop it at the desired location to reorder photos.
Arrange all photos by Name / Size / Date Modified.

Choose from 40+ 3D templates
3D flash templates automatically put preset decoration to your gallery (layout, photo transition, background).
Set background color & background image for flash gallery.
Set photo transition delay time for displaying photos automatically.
Customize your own 3D gallery template by setting thumbnail effects & scrolling actions.

Add background music
Add multiple soundtracks as background music.
Add, remove, reorder soundtracks in the music list.
Trim the music & add Fade in/out effects.

Publish & share your 3D flash gallery
Make a flash SWF file so that you can publish it to your website.
Make an executable file suitable for presentation.
Send flash gallery by email (Your flash gallery will be attached to an email which is ready to send).
Make a HTML file. When you choose to make HTML files, a .HTML and .SWF file will be

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery v2.2.0.0 + (Portable)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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كل العآلم لهم وطنٌ يعيشون فيه إلا نحن .. لنا وطنٌ يعيش فينا :: ¨°o.O (قلعة التصميم والاحتراف (فئة الهوايات و الفنون) ) O.o°¨ :: التصميم والجرافيكس - Design and graphics :: الفوتوشوب-
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